Sony XDCAM Station XDSPD2000/A6 - Media serverThe XDS-PD2000 supports the operation of all SxS card types, including Memory Stick and SDHC cards, using MEAD adaptors.It also supports all XDCAM Professional Disk models in all recording formats and modes. The internal 512GB Solid State Drive (SSD) and the 1Gigabit Ethernet connection allow a total of about 16 hours of continuous recording in HD422 50Mbps and multi-user simultaneous access to the AV content.
Sony XDCAM Station XDSPD2000/A6 - Media server The XDS-PD2000 supports the operation of all SxS card types, including Memory Stick and SDHC cards, using MEAD adaptors.It also supports all XDCAM Professional Disk models in all recording formats and modes. The internal 512GB Solid State Drive (SSD) and the 1Gigabit Ethernet connection allow a total of about 16 hours of continuous recording in HD422 50Mbps and multi-user simultaneous access to the AV content. SPECIFICATIONS Supports all XDCAM storage formats Supports fourth-generation (4G) Professional Disc drive and Quad Layer discs Multitasking internal storage operations Familiar VTR-like user interface Enhances network functionality SD / HD cross-conversion