High Availability Yearly Maintenance ContractHigh Availibility yearly maintenance contract per piece of Miris Video Platform infrastructure. Includes pro-active maintenance, real-time monitoring and telephone remote support by UbiCast. The contract should cover the whole infrastructure, test environment included.
Sony UBIMSRLMP2 High Availability Yearly Maintenance Contract
High Availability Yearly Maintenance Contract High Availibility yearly maintenance contract per piece of Miris Video Platform infrastructure. Includes pro-active maintenance, real-time monitoring and telephone remote support by UbiCast. The contract should cover the whole infrastructure, test environment included. UBI-MSR-L-MP2 offers a 99,9% uptime SLA. Add quantity 1 for each part of the infrastructure : Miris Video Platform license (UBI-MSR-L), or a MediaCache (UBI-MCH), or a database server, or a backup server (UBI-MVT), or an additional MediaWorker (UBI-MWK), or a MediaImport service (UBI-SO-MSR-IMP). Only customers with network setups compatible with remote support technical pre-requisites are eligible to this contract.